A youtube playlist of the 2019 drama
Back to this particular story, this 2019 version is probably the 3rd rendition I've watched. I marathoned-watched this 2019 version on Youtube(actually "watched" is the wrong verb to use, as I mostly listened to the Mandarin dialogue while doing household chores), then tried to find some (decent quality) videos online, of the original one I watched, but failed. Watched the above playlist from start to finish again a second time, which cemented my review of it as being lesser than the 1986 TVB version, starring a very young Tony Leung (see picture below).Ah, the psychological effects of first impressions and nostalgia combined. I even went one step further and found the original novel text on 金庸网. I am no good at reading Mandarin text, so I was lucky to find websites with the full length text and exported to play it on my mobile using the "@Voice Aloud Reader" app. That became my latest entertainment means after I'd stopped watching Korean dramas early this year.